Bill Beach Airfield
11480 Highway 111SE
Rosewood, IN 47117
800 x 50 Paved runway, 1200 by 75 grass runway. Paved taxiways, shelters with tables.
Dry RV camper parking. Electricity for battery charging, non-potable water on-site. Food is available all three days.
Open flying: Friday 1:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Registration: Friday 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm & Saturday 8:00 am until noon or end of first round flying.
Static Judging: Friday 2:00 pm – 6:00 pm & Saturday 8:00am until finished.
Flying begins at 9:00 am on Saturday. Pilots meeting at 8:30 am at the airstrip. Flying begins at 9:00 am Sunday.
Expert Sport Scale (512)
Sportsman Sport Scale (511)
Team Scale (522) (Builder must be present)
Designer Scale (515)
Open Scale (523)
Fun Scale Prop (520)
Two Divisions by type of aircraft
Division One – For aircraft where the prototype has retracting landing gear, has more than one mechanical option or was designed specifically for racing. (Basically metal skinned).
Division Two – For aircraft where the prototype has fixed landing gear, has no more than one mechanical option, or was not designed specifically for racing. (Basically fabric covered).
CD reserves the right to reassign the class to meet the intent of the rule.
Advanced and Novice (Strictly entry-level).
Fun Scale Jet Turbine (All turbines will fly this class).
Advanced Only
Fun Scale Foamy
Electric-only, all foam. One class, seven maneuvers, one can be a mechanical option.
Entry fee: $35.00 first event, $20.00 additional events. One entry only per event. The same model may not be entered in more than one event.
Team Scale $35.00. One entry per team. Team scale models may not be entered in other events. Builder and pilot must be in attendance.
Foamy Scale $5.00
Shelter space is first-come, first-serve unless you reserve one for $25.00.
Downloadable Event Flyer
Click here to download.
For questions please contact Dale Arvin CD at [email protected] or 812-987-2224