Reported by Gerry Garing

The RC Scale NATS kicked off on a beautiful Thursday morning. Some pilots arrived the day before and were already set up while others began arriving this morning. Light winds, clear blue sky, and temps in the mid-70s were perfect for practice flying. A welcome change from Wednesday’s rain and 25 mph winds all courtesy of hurricane Beryl! The afternoon brought some warmer temps and higher humidity levels, but after all, it is mid-July.

Today was a set-up and practice day. The beauty of scale modeling is the variety of aircraft at a contest. This one is no different with subjects ranging from a pre-World War I pusher to several turbine-powered jet fighters. An outstanding Piper Cub, a designer scale Kraft Super-Fli, a Fly-Baby, and an Ercoupe are a few of the more unique airplanes entered this year. Registration remains open till noon tomorrow (Friday), so I’m anxious to see what’s yet to arrive.

Following nearly 2 years of preparation, the FAI team of Jack Buckley, Mike Barbee, Tim Dickey, and Team Manager Steve Eagle are on hand preparing for the World Championships next month in Romania. They are all flying practice airplanes at the NATS this year to avoid any mishaps that could jeopardize the team’s chances. Don’t be misled by the term “practice” airplane. These are competitive airplanes by any measure!

Static Judging began shortly after Noon. Airplanes entered in Sportsman Scale (both sport and expert), Designer Scale, Team Scale, and Open Scale require static judging. The Static Score is worth a maximum of 100 points. Each round of Flight is worth a maximum of 100 points. The pilot’s best 2 rounds of flying are averaged together for the final flight score which is then is added to the Static Score.

The official AMA rules are revised every 2 years. This is the first year that Fun Scale has been renamed Pro-AM. Pro-Am does not include static judging. The only requirement is that the model represents a full-scale aircraft. A picture is presented to the judges as proof after which the airplane is awarded 5 points. Additionally, the model does not need to be constructed by the pilot. Pro-Am is divided into a Sport category for novice pilots and a Pro category for those with experience flying scale contests. To level the competition, Pro-Am pro is further divided based on the aircraft’s performance. Jets and aerobatic vs. general aviation types for example.

Today’s activities were cut short at about 4:00 PM by an unexpected 30-minute heavy rainstorm. The rain let up after which some packed up for the day and headed out to dinner. Others remained on site and took advantage of the beautiful evening for additional flight time. Tomorrow’s weather outlook calls for partly sunny and light winds. However, the risk of a shower or thunderstorm can’t be ruled out.

Scheduled for tomorrow is an 8:30 AM pilot’s meeting. Registration and static judging will wrap up in the morning and Round 1 of flying will begin at Noon.

Larry Folk, assisted by his grandson, Nicholas Kelty assembling the 1/3 Scale Fly Baby.


A team effort is required to assemble Mike Wolvin’s (C) F9F Cougar.


Beautiful Kraft Super Fly, designed and built by Brian Peterson from Plattsmouth, NE. Dave made his molds for the cowl and wheel pants.


Steve Shurick’s Royal Aircraft SE5A is assembled and ready to go.

Scorekeeper Jan Merenberg’s job this weekend is just beginning as she adds registered pilot data into the scoring program.


Colorful Stearman of Tim Dickey on the table for static judging.


Larry Barr’s not often modeled Curtis Pusher.


Close-up the Pusher’s pilot and “cockpit”.


District 3 Vice President, Randy Adams with his 1/3 Scale Nieuport 17.


Close-up of the strut detail on Randy’s Nieuport.


Static Judges, Jim Martin (near) and Jeff Grant compare reviewing a model’s documentation. Looking on Juan Cruz who participated in the judging seminar recently held in Muncie.


Contest Director, John Boyko, pondering his options as heavy rain continues.







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